Response to COVID-19 Virus

27 Mar 2020 by Church Council Executive in: Home

Advice to Congregation from Church Council

PMUC Measures in Response to COVID-19 Virus


  1. We are taking measures in accordance with government and Synod advice and direction about what organisations and gatherings such as churches need to do to minimise the impact and spread of the COVID-19 virus in our community. This reflects not only our concern for each other in our fellowship but also our concern for all in our community.
  2. We are suspending regular face to face activities for a time. We will continue to monitor the situation and the advice of government and Synod but at this time we believe it is unlikely that we will resume activities before the end of April. This means that our usual Palm Sunday and Easter services will not be held nor will the induction service for Rev Stephen Larkin.
  3. We believe that the suspension of our usual gatherings provides an opportunity to strengthen our fellowship and worship in other ways. We encourage all in our fellowship to see this as a time for Lenten reflection and prayer; for caring and supportive communication with each other; and for discovering other ways of worship; hearing and experiencing and sharing God’s word; and, discipleship and service.
  4. We will go forward in the light of Easter joy and with the conviction that nothing can separate us from the love of God. Where two or three are gathered together in Jesus’ name He is there present with them.

What we are suspending

  1. All formal PMUC gatherings, including worship services and fellowship and Bible study groups are suspended until further notice. Hymn Sing, the Playgroups, the Market mornings are suspended until further notice.  Formal Family Group gatherings are suspended.
  2. Where members of the congregation wish to gather informally, they are urged to limit the size of the gathering and to observe the health protocols developed by the Department of Health and the Synod regarding sanitation and social distancing.  These are attached and are also available separately from the Office. The requirement for 4 square metres of space per person for gatherings should be especially noted.
  3. All use of PMUC facilities by community groups is suspended until further notice. This includes the indigenous services on Friday evenings and KYB.
  4. We are investigating ways of continuing to support groups of vulnerable people who use the Chapel for support meetings.
  5. The opening of the Chapel to the public on weekday mornings is suspended until further notice.
  6. The Pastoral Care Team will suspend hospital and aged care facility visits in line with hospital and aged care facility protocols. The pastoral care team will adopt the Synod protocols for other forms of visiting.
  7. Our ministers will continue to make themselves available for pastoral visiting in serious situations and will be available at other times by ‘phone and online.
  8. Church Council and the Property Committee will meet virtually unless special circumstances require a face to face meeting (using health protocols).

What we will be doing

  1. Welcome to Stephen and Glynn Larkin: Stephen and Glyn have arrived safely in Port and are settling in at the manse. While it is not possible for them to meet with their new congregation as a large gathering, Stephen and Glynn will be doing their best to make contact with as many of us as possible over the coming weeks.  Stephen will be providing worship and sermon material and is available for contact.
  2. Contact details: current contact details are essential for good communication. We will be working to ensure that we have up to date contact details for everyone in our fellowship.  These should include ‘phone and, if available, email contacts and also the preferred method for receiving the Church News and other information (email; pick up from office; hand delivery to letter box).  The Office will maintain a central list of contact details.  ACTION:  all members of PMUC need to check their contact details and, if necessary, provide revised details to Kaye or to someone who can pass them on to Kaye.  Please indicate which way of receiving the Church News suits you best.
  3. Informal communication and contacts: we need to be active in maintaining contact with each other, especially by ‘phone and email. We especially encourage groups who gather regularly to keep in touch and also ask everyone to try to regularly contact those whom they speak and sit with at worship.  Family and fellowship groups and the Playgroup families, are also important contact networks.
  4. Newsletter: The Church Newsletter will be a major form of communication. Our ambition is to make it available twice per week and to extend its content to include news of our church community; sermon, prayer and worship materials; and updates on protocols for responding to the virus.  ACTION: please forward items of news, thoughts, prayers, and inspirations to the Office for sharing via the Church News.
  5. Online and virtual communication: we will be using this time as an opportunity to upgrade our virtual communication capacity, including investigating capacity for virtual meetings); improved website; downloadable sermons, music etc.  ACTION: Peter Newell and Rev Stephen are leading this initiative.  Stephen Nicholson is reviewing and updating current web pages.
  6. Zoom: Zoom is a useful tool which enables multi-user video meetings for groups. We are all able to access this tool.  For details please contact the Church Office.
  7. Opening Church for private prayer: we are investigating the feasibility of opening the Chapel and Church for times of personal prayer and meditation.  This will need us to be confident that we can maintain health protocols and social distancing and that such opening is consistent with government directives.  We will be able to let you know about this shortly.
  8. Prayer concerns: should be forwarded to John Layton or Joan Gilson, who will coordinate prayer network.
  9. Pastoral concerns: should be directed to Joan Gilson, on behalf of the Pastoral Care team, who will liaise with ministers.
  10. Offering: we ask you to maintain your giving during this period of suspension and encourage a switch to direct debit if possible. Envelopes and other offerings can be left at the Office and new envelopes collected.  The work of the church continues in this time and needs to be supported.  Please contact Jeff Lipman to discuss options.  Our Bank account details are: BSB 634 634. Account 100027056 with your reference.
  11. Office: Kaye will continue to work from the Office but will reduce the hours when it is open to visitors.  We have implemented health advice regarding distancing and sanitation for office work and public contact.  The CHURCH OFFICE will be open between the hours of 9am and 11am Monday to Friday. If you need to contact the office for anything urgent outside these hours please phone Lyn Deutscher on 6582 6530 or Kaye on 0429 556 757.
  12. Playgroup: Marion’s pastoral ministry with playgroup families will continue and is especially important as suspension of the playgroup brings pressures of isolation on some playgroup families.


  1. Rev Stephen Larkin and Glynn have arrived safely in Port and are settling in to the manse. We give thanks for their safe arrival and pray for them as they settle in at this difficult time. Stephen will be making contact with members of our fellowship over the coming weeks and has already begun to work on ways to make worship and sermon resources available during the suspension of services.
  2. Rev Lofa has made an outstanding start to her ministry amongst tertiary students. She now faces a situation where her plans and projects must change, classes are cancelled, many students are anxious, and some, especially international students, are unable to return home. Her leadership, wisdom and care will be very important to many people over the coming weeks.
  3. Pastor Michael Dumas and his indigenous congregation which has been meeting at our church on Friday evenings and now must find alternative ways of worship and fellowship.
  4. Pray for our ministers and the Pastoral Care team as they work on how best to provide pastoral care and support at this time of restrictions on visiting and face to face meetings.
  5. Marion’s ministry with Playgroup families.


These are listed on the Location and Contacts Page.  Use the Contacts form at the bottom of the page to send an email.